Sunday, January 29, 2012

MLP:FiM Season 2 Review #15 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

So last episode was a total bust as an Applejack episode, instead being a Derpy/Pinkie episode, depending on who you ask. But this week looks to be different, as the serious business that is apple cider goes down!

My gosh what I would do for a glass of apple cider right now. That stuff's delicious.

Spoilers after the break!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Little Pony Episode Review Schedule Change

Okay, no doubt you've noticed that I've been having trouble meeting the Saturday date consistently with the MLP Episode Reviews. So to make things easier on myself, and to make things more predictable for you, I'm going to officially say that, from now on, they should be up on the Sundays after the episode is out instead of on that Saturday. Hopefully this will allow me a bit more time to mull over the review as well as allow for times when my alarm clock doesn't wake me up to see the episode!

In conclusion, this will probably be better for everyone involved. See you tomorrow with the newest review!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

MLP:FiM Season 2 Review #14 - The Last Roundup

Applejack has always been criminally underrepresented in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, having relatively few episodes in comparison to the rest of the Mane 6 and simply not being nearly as interesting. Season two has been working to change this somewhat, with Applejack getting a lot more screen time and some interesting character to her name, and The Last Roundup continues that trend by giving her another episode to her own.

...or... does it?

Spoilers after the break.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MLP:FiM Season 2 Review #13 - Baby Cakes

Previously on MLP Episode Reviews...

"Still, it stands out a bit among pony episodes for its oddities."

Haha, Jameson, haha. You thought Granny Smith's shenanigans were crazy?

You ain't seen nothing yet.

(Spoilers after the break)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

MLP:FiM Season 2 Review #12 - Family Appreciation Day

So the winter break is over, and we're all no-doubt back to school or work. Or both, even. But in spite of the daily-life shenanigans that are back in full-force, it's all good because MLP is back too!

And because this season really likes Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, here's another episode focusing on Apple Bloom, and costarring Granny Smith! Because everyone loves old people.

The review will contain spoilers, as always!